2017年6月1日 星期四
2017年5月5日 星期五
1. Who founded the religion?
A: A man named Daniel founded Calunyism.
2. Where was it founded?
3. When was it founded?
4. How many people follow this religion?
5. In what countries do they practice this religion?
A: They practice Calunyism in Understanding.
6. What are the basic teachings of this religion?
A: They believe gods can use a magic called "Boom Boom" to help their family become wonderful.
7. Does this religion have a sacred book? What is it?
A: The sacred book is called Discalb. The book Discalb is an English book,and it can make people calm.
8.What is the name of the god or gods in this religion?
A:The gods are named Camny, Lumy and Burly.
9.Does this religion have any sacred symbols? What do they mean?
A: This symbol means everyone's life doesn't have difficulty. Just like the fish swimming in the sea.
10.Where do the followers of this religion worship?
A:They worship in a city called Pizza City in Understanding.
11.How do the followers worship? Do they perform any special rituals?
A:They go to Pizza City and sing traditional Caluny songs together. They sing because they believe in their own gods.
12.Do the follower of this religion wear any special cloths or any special items?
A:When they go to worship,they always wearing a black jacket.
13.What are the leaders of the religion called?
A: The leader of the religion are called Munot.

14.What are the major festivals for this religion? What do people do on this holiday?
A: The major festival is called Monkey Week. Everyone feeds monkeys during that week.
1. Who founded the religion?
2. Where was it founded?
A: Calunyism was founded on the Burning Mountain.
3. When was it founded?
A: It was founded in 87 B.C.
4. How many people follow this religion?
A: All of the people in the country of Understanding follow this religion.
5. In what countries do they practice this religion?
A: They practice Calunyism in Understanding.
6. What are the basic teachings of this religion?
A: They believe gods can use a magic called "Boom Boom" to help their family become wonderful.
7. Does this religion have a sacred book? What is it?

8.What is the name of the god or gods in this religion?
A:The gods are named Camny, Lumy and Burly.
9.Does this religion have any sacred symbols? What do they mean?

10.Where do the followers of this religion worship?
A:They worship in a city called Pizza City in Understanding.
11.How do the followers worship? Do they perform any special rituals?
A:They go to Pizza City and sing traditional Caluny songs together. They sing because they believe in their own gods.
12.Do the follower of this religion wear any special cloths or any special items?

13.What are the leaders of the religion called?
A: The leader of the religion are called Munot.

14.What are the major festivals for this religion? What do people do on this holiday?
A: The major festival is called Monkey Week. Everyone feeds monkeys during that week.
2017年3月23日 星期四
Q1.Who founded the religion?There is no single founder of the Hinduism.
Q2.Where was it founded? The religion of Hinduism has its roots in India.
Q3.When was it founded?1500BC
Q4.How many people follow this religion? 767420000 PEOPLE
Q5.In what countries do they practice this religion?
Nepal India Guyana Fiji
Q6.What are the basicteachings of this religion?They believed that the human soul have spirit.In the teaching to death and life in a link,each part is by the pastconstraints and decisions.
Q7.Does this religion have a sacred book What is it? Ramayana Mahabharata Puranas 

Q8.What is the name of the god in this religion?
Shiva Brahman god Vishnu Krishna

Krishna Hindu one of the most important gods. He is the eighth incarnation of the Lord God Vishnu.
Shiva He has a great power, and Shiva has the name of the destroyer and the creator.
Brahman god
God is love , brahman is wisdom.
Protect the gods and maintain the order of the universe.
Q9.Does this religion have any sacred symbols?What do they mean?
It means everything's in the world are unify.
Q10.What are the leaders of the religion called?
They don’t have any leader
Q11.Where do the followers of this religion wor ship?Ayodhya Haridwar Mathurra Varanasi
Q12.How do the followers worship?Do they perform any special rituals?No drums, no noise, go to the Ganges.Take the water to home.
Q13.Do the followers of this religion wear any special clothes or carry any special items?
India is a hot country, the hot weather all year round so that people are mostly in the clothing thin veil.
Q14.What are the major festival for this religion What do people do on this holiday?
Holi-This holiday is at every March. Is a celebration of spring’s coming.On Holi day,people will spray each other color powder.
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